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The wide selection of products at the highest quality and most competitive price is why contractors and distributors all shop Anjon. The superior customer service and customized attention is what makes them partner with Anjon time after time. It’s those partnerships that Anjon looks to cultivate each day on the job.
From the popular WMS line of water pumps to the flashy Color Changing Faux Rock Lights and the full Anjon line of Beneficial Bacteria Products, Midwest Ponds has the entire line of Anjon/Savio products at the best prices in the industry!
Midwest Ponds is proud to offer Anjon/Savio water garden/feature products who offers quality products and the best service and value to complete beautification projects of any scale, coast to coast. Anjon Manufacturing prides itself on its growth into one of the most trusted and respected manufacturers and distributors of water garden supplies in the country. Anjon has welcomed opportunities ranging from a backyard waterfall and pond, to a golf course, theme park, shopping mall or hotel fountain and waterscaping. is a proud partner of Anjon manufacturing. We know how important it is to keep your lake or pond healthy. That's why we offer a wide range of Anjon manufacturing products to help you maintain a healthy and vibrant aquatic environment. Anjon manufacturing's products are designed to effectively reduce algae, improve water clarity, and keep your environment healthy and balanced.