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How it Works:
Mechanical Filtration:
This first stage of filtering removes suspended debris. Water is pumped into the filters and passes through separate layers of filter media — coarse and fine layers — to effectively remove all sizes of unwanted debris.
Water Clarification:
The final filtering stage uses light and adds clean, clear, and healthy water back to your pond.
Cleaning Your Filter:
Flushing the filter to remove dirt and debris is as easy as shutting down the pump, rotating the valve from filter to flush, and turning the pump back on for as long as it takes for the water to run clear. When the water runs clear, you can stop back flushing and return to normal operation.
Using the Handle to Purge Filters:
Pumping the handle while back-washing compresses the filters for an efficient cleaning, while not compromising your existing beneficial biologicals. This naturally converts ammonia and other wastes into healthy nitrates that help aquatic plants and support a healthy pond environment.